

Scroll down for further detail on our consultancy capabilities and solutions.


Circular Economy

The earth faces existential threats associated with climate change, ocean plastic and loss of biodiversity. The linear, take - make - dispose model has led us to a point where we urgently need to shift our focus.



The Circular Economy (CE) provides a means of decoupling resource use from economic growth. Here at Circulogic we are strong advocates of the 'Wellbeing Economy' and the need to preserve our 'Natural Capital'. Areas where we can provide support include provision of advice to organisations seeking CE funding, guidance on CE business models and experiential support around the development and marketing of eco-friendly products and services.


Recycling & Waste Management

Our experience comes from extensive work in the waste sector with local authorities, government bodies and waste management companies. Modelling of complex waste management systems and supply chains is a core capability.



Ongoing work in this area includes implementation support to Welsh Government, WRAP Cymru and businesses on the Workplace Recycling regulations in Wales and policy impact / planning work for WRAP in England linked to Simpler Recycling.


Get in touch to see how we might be able to help you deliver your waste management aims and projects cost-effectively.


Resource Efficiency & Logistics

We have been pioneering the development of smart logistics and related data analytics for the resources and waste sector for over 20 years. This has included the development of various modelling approaches, tools and analytical techniques.



One area of expertise is in the application of Reverse Logistics. We can help evaluate the business case, carbon benefits and practical feasibility of waste take-back and reverse logistics operations, including operational trials. 


In 2024 we supported FareShare Cymru, working with Cylchog, providing environmental assessment analysis to the Redistribution Kitchen Wales trial. The trial included an assessment of different meal container options and return rates, via community kitchens across South Wales. Container materials, including where and how they are manufactured, labelling and sleeves, transport, washing and end of life management routes were factored into our analysis of options. Future incentives to encourage positive behaviour change and high levels of container returns were identified as key priorities in the study report.     

Work with us

We deliver larger projects by working with a trusted network of associates. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss collaboration opportunities.

Circulogic Company No.
10083896 | VAT: GB 284551386.

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